I started at Christmas, so around the 25th of each month, I will record what is flowering in our garden. The macros I love ... Wildflower Wednesdays. I will walk around the garden. The bigger picture. Looking at our wildflowers, or commonorgarden / exotic / foreign / alien plants.
Month by month follows, or a flying visit with one photo for each month.
A Swartland garden in December Christmas past, present and future 2013
Janus and December for Wildflower Wednesday 2012
Solstice-Wildflowers-for-Christmas 2011
Foreign-flowers-in-December-for-once-were-Blotanists 2011
Christmas Flowers in Our Garden 2009
Remembering my mother A Swartland garden in January 2014
Flowers from my mother January 2013
January-in-South-Africa-for-Wildflower-Wednesday 2012
January-garden-walk 2012
Wildflower Wednesday January 2011
January-garden-walk 2011
January flowers 2010
A Swartland garden in February with summer swallows 2014
Lessons learned among February's Wildflowers 2013
Wildflower-Wednesday-as-February-turns to Autumn 2012
Versatile-commonorgarden-walk February 2012
Flowers in February 2010
A Swartland garden in March with a string of hearts Ceropegia woodii and March friends 2014
March lilies in 2014
Our garden year begins in March 2013
March-wildflowers-for-birds 2012
Walk-in-my-garden March 2012
March-garden-walk 2011
March garden flowers 2010
A Swartland garden in April 2014
Succulent-dividend-returns-on-our-hedge-fund 2013
April-showers-bring-us-flowers 2012
Wildflower-week-in-April 2011
April-flowers-not-from-around-here 2011
April showers bring us flowers 2010
A Swartland garden in May 2014
Almost-colours-for-Wildflower-Wednesday May 2013
Of-Imperial-tea-and-ruby-grass wildflowers in 2012
May-around-our-garden 2012
May-garden-walk-with-my-BlotSprouts 2011
Mayflowers 2010
Masked weaver building in a Swartland garden June 2014
Strawberry moon for Wildflower Wednesday June 2013
June's-winter-flowers 2012
June-wildflowers-birds-and-bees 2011
Red,yellow and bare June 2011
June-flowers-in-red-and-yellow 2010
Yellow and red in a Swartland garden July 2014
Winter-sun-and-japanese-flowering-quince July 2013
Karoo-wildflowers July 2012
Gardening-for-wildlife-in-a-Cape-winter July 2012
Wildflower-Wednesday-with-July-weather 2011
July in our garden 2011
Deepest-darkest-winter-flowers-in-July 2010
Stroll-thru-our-garden-with-me July 2010
A Swartland garden in August 2014
August Wildflower Wednesday looks to spring 2013
Wildflower Wednesday August 2012
Lughnasa-flowers-for-Annie August 2012
For-Wildflower-Wednesday August 2011
August-bloom-day-in-Porterville 2011
Winter-August-flowering-into-spring 2010
August-daisy-chain-walk 2010
A Swartland garden in September 2014, and a glance to False Bay!
(Red Data list - sadly NOT) wild orchid September 2013
Honey for tea Buddleja salviifolia September 2013
The garden at EE in September 2012Honey for tea Buddleja salviifolia September 2013
Wildflower-Wednesday-in-September 2011
Bloom-day-not-from-around-here September 2011
Garnished with September's flowers 2010
September-garden-walk-and-our-beginning 2010
Roses and baby swallows in October 2014
October at Paradise and Roses 2014
A Swartland garden in October 2013
Wildflower Wednesday October 2012
Foreign flowers and Dozen for Diana October 2012
Paradise and Roses October 2012
October's-wildflowers-and-comments-from SA readers 2011
Foreign-flowers-in-our-October-garden 2011
October roses Come-in-out-of-rain-dear 2010
October-walk-in-our-garden 2010
Wildflower Wednesday with ours and yours November 2012
Wildflower Wednesday and Dietes our wild iris 2011
Some-corner-of-a-foreign-field 11-11-11-11
November flowers 2010
November-walk-thru-our-garden 2010

By Diana of Elephant's Eye
(If you mouse over brown text, it turns shriek pink.
Those are my links.)
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