22 September, 2010

Garnished with September’s flowers

Around the 25th I wander around our garden gathering a virtual bouquet. Today is Wildflower-Wednesday at Gail's Clay and Limestone.

Lachenalia bulbs in pots.

White September flowers
September flowers in white.
Anyone else had comments like this? From Marie sprig.co.za ‘Love your EE blog, but would it be possible to do away with the signature that detracts from some lovely pictures?’ Remember Julie and her Flower Brick Fridays, who had to take down her blog, because of a stalker? And Charlotte The Galloping Gardener, who had a string of posts stolen outright? What – you haven’t read that blog?? I'm-luckiest-woman-in-world And then it was Autumnbelle’s turn? Mynicegarden somebody-stole-my-post  Which is why bloggers include a copyright notice, in every post, with a link back to SEE This was Stolen from ME!! Sadly there are ‘bloggers’ out there, who think if you dash in for a moment, and leave the car, door open, keys in, engine running … well you obviously don’t need the car so I’ll just drive it away, before you reach your front door! And the moral of that story ...

Pink September flowers
In pink ...
And in purple too

Purple September flowers

In yellow, and orange

Yellow September flowers
Orange September flowers

Bronze and gentle coral


Pictures and words by Diana of Elephant's Eye 


  1. Wow, those pictures are super, what an amazing array of flowers. A lot different from my garden here in Canada!

  2. Great post Diana - I now optimize my photos and reduce the quality slightly - strip them of all the data that goes with them, sharpen them (and a sharpened photo doesn't look good printed), and I only post small images with a watermark.

    I used to disable right click on my blog but discovered that anyone can over ride that.

  3. Now unto the flowery bit of your post - I think your collages are amazing today.

  4. Thank you -- this was very helpful. I didn't know about copyscape. Actually, I never thought about it, but I would be angry if anyone copied my blog posts. And as usual the flowers are beautiful. It's a wonderful feeling, to vicariously experience spring with your blog while fall is fast approaching here.

  5. Diana, what a wonderful list of helpful hints. I've often wondered how people are able to do these lovely collages. I thought I had learned a lot about blogging in the last 5 months but yet I've not used a single one of your tools. I've obviously still got a lot to learn!

  6. What a helpful post, Diana—thank you! And what GORGEOUS colors in those photos—a real feast for the senses.

  7. Beautiful photos and a good list of important info! I've been scraped several times~it's very irritating when my copy has been used to generate income for a thief! I try to have several linksback to clay and limestone in each post. ~Not sure where I read that piece of advice, tho. Thanks also for the shoutout! gail

  8. Bless you FOREVER for that "Click on the B for Dashboard" tip! Just made life way easier!!!!!!!

    I often wonder if my page loads slowly for anyone. I never really have that problem with anyone's blog, but I hear it mentioned often.

    As for that copyright line, I just recently added that myself, after thinking for many months how annoying it was to see on other blogs. Only problem is, I've probably already posted a thousand photos without a byline.

    Love your colorful collages!

  9. Floridagirl - come back on Friday. Have 2 tools to check - Does my blog load slowly .....?

  10. Thank you so much for this post,
    It's time to wake up. It took me sometime one to two hour to write a post and to found the right picture, the right word, the right sentence.
    And to know that some people can go to our blog and steal, that work we do, make me really mad.

  11. Dear Diana of EE, For me your weblog loads quickly and crisply, and as you say, this is so important since when things are very slow toappear one tends to give up.

    I am always amazed at how much you know about Blogger, the Blogosphere, Copyscape etc. etc. I find your 'tutorials' most helpful and interesting although I regret to say that for the majority of the time I still have no idea what to do about certain things. Stay simple that is my motto. As for the complexity of digital cameras....I give thanks each day that I do not have one...although I am tempted by 'point and shoot' !!

  12. Diana, you've really got me thinking about copyrighting, and thanks for your tips. After I saw how many other bloggers put signatures on their photos, I started to, too, but all anyone would have to do is crop the signature out, or? I had to laugh at the comment from Marie.

    Your collages are fantastic. Although September is spring for you, I have some of the same flowers in my garden right now.

  13. Barbara - yes the signature can be cropped (that is why I position each one, just so!) or photoshopped. But it is equivalent to locking the door, rather than leaving it standing wide open.

  14. Diana, thank you for being such a kind mentor to everyone. You may wish to include in your list of resources "myfreecopyright.com", a place to register and protect your content. Registering your website is quite simple. My son, the attorney, checked it out for me... it's a good free resource.

  15. beautiful flowers thanks for sharing,

    I have a wordpress blog but have no idea what commentluv is, will have to see if I can find it, I'm not an IT person,

  16. Frances - Commentluv? http://www.beautifulwildlifegarden.com/the-butterfly-effect.html#comments It is a gracious way of thanking your readers for their comments, by putting up a link to their latest post. (to each his own, some don't like it, but I do!)

  17. thanks Diana spent some time this morning searching wordpress and the web eventually found a download for the pluggin only to learn you can't use it on a wordpress.com blog, you have to have a wordpress blog attached to your website/self hosted, thanks anyway,


Photographs and Copyright

Photographs are from Diana Studer or Jurg Studer.
My Canon PowerShot A490

If I use your images or information, it will be clearly acknowledged with either a link to the website, or details of the book. If you use my images or words, I expect you to acknowledge them in turn.

Midnight in Darkest Africa

Midnight in Darkest Africa
For real time, click on the map.