23 December, 2011
Solstice wildflowers for Christmas
09 December, 2011
Foreign flowers in December
December’s memories of
foreign exotic commonorgarden flowers. November was the rose’s month of glory, but today the next buds are
unfurling in waves. Yesterday was overcast and it almost rained, about half a
millimetre. Kind weather for the rose petals – which are not doing their usual
– It’s summer! If you don’t pick us and bring us in out of the sun, we’ll just
shrizzle up to toasted hasbeens!!
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Tropical Sunset at Paradise and Roses (the camera always lies, but I love this view of our garden!) |
02 December, 2011
Pushed Out of Paradise and Roses
I have gathered and sorted pictures of the
roses from the end of October to today. From bud to glory to ‘the last rose of
summer’ as the next buds develop. Four of these roses we inherited. As we laid
out our new garden they were stranded half way down the driveway. Against a new
concrete panel wall, they faced into the full force of the afternoon sun. My
two legs of the grey watering system whined louder and louder. He extended the
two beds between the garage and the front door, making space for these roses.
Not so far to walk, and they make a gracious welcome home. Now they have
recovered from transplanting, we can see what we have. Some beauties, mostly
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Pushed Out of Paradise and Roses |
25 November, 2011
Wildflower Wednesday and Dietes our wild iris
Gail at Clay and Limestone’s Wildflower Wednesday is usually my chance to walk around the garden – collecting what is blooming to attention. But they must be indigenous, native to South Africa. As I did last November. Today our wild iris Dietes will monopolise this WFW. It began life as part of my free seed allocation for members of the Botanical Society based at Kirstenbosch. Now it is SANBI South African National Biodiversity Institute which hosts the PlantZAfrica site I like to use. Biodiversity e.g. barn swallow migration and climate change.
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Dietes grandiflora |
Dietes grandiflora has that American habit known as walking onions.
22 November, 2011
Spring Promise at Paradise and Roses
I love striped roses, inspired by Rosa mundi. Spring Promise is PINK.
Chaim Soutine striped in shocking pink and white.
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Chaim Soutine |
18 November, 2011
Cape mountain leopard on camera
The Ungardener returned to Driehoek
in October, still hoping to
help trap Spot, the Cape mountain leopard.
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Driehoek dam |
While Dr Quinton Martins of the Cape Leopard
Trust has traps set, he needs help monitoring 24/7. That is where the
Ungardener comes in, as a volunteer.
15 November, 2011
Autumn Fire at Paradise and Roses
Tea in Paradise with Summer Gold to my
right, and to my left (I'm sinister) Autumn Fire. When we built the house I
wanted a walled rose garden, face brick to match the house. The most visible of
the four beds (when you look out the window, step off the verandah, or walk
down the path into Paradise and Roses), I'm grateful that it is the one among
the four that works best!
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Looking out the window at Autumn Fire |
11 November, 2011
08 November, 2011
Summer Gold at Paradise and Roses
Turn away from Winter Chill, and gaze at
Summer Gold, where the sun shines down and we battle with overexposed photos.
The first hot summer breeze turns my mind to lowering the blinds.
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Looking out the other livingroom window |
I want the foliage to support the colour theme
and provide texture and interest. Even flowers, regardless of whether the roses
are game, or out for the count. I choose first, indigenous, adapted to hot
summer, wet winter, clay soil.
04 November, 2011
Winter Chill at Paradise and Roses
November is rose month. Prompted by Ludwig's Roses Newsletter, I fed them. Puttering around the Paradise and Roses
garden dead-heading, I harvest for vases. Imaginary tabletop in mind, I prune
the stalks down to the new low. Cut out the extra fork, so the remaining bud
can flourish.
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Oyster Pearl |
I chose to add a lot of indigenous plants.
Winter Chill with pale and white roses, has suffered from my enthusiasm. Only
two roses have survived competition with vigorous neighbours, who
claim their food and drink. I do I do cut back the Dusty Miller hedge. Quite
hard so it looks scraggly. Just weeks later we are back to the battle of – but,
I’d like you to be knee high!
28 October, 2011
October’s wildflowers 2011
thru to see what she would like from you.
Photos were taken
yesterday in my garden.
Some of the bulbs have faded and those pictures are from
earlier this month.
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Bietou, Erica baccans trailing daisy, Plectranthus neochilus |
Sole survivor of my attempt at fynbos is this
little pink berry heath Erica baccans.
21 October, 2011
With the Cape Leopard Trust at Driehoek
Imagine you are hiking in the Cederberg. Ahead
of you is a red flag.
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Warning flags for leopard traps at Driehoek in the Cederberg |
As you get closer, you read about Cape Leopards.
11 October, 2011
Foreign flowers in our October garden
I did try for the long view, instead of the
pretty flowers. When we look at A Flower, the camera and I are mostly on the
same page. The long view leaves me befuddled. Why doesn't the &%$#ing
camera see what I see? Overexposed, or focused on a plane the human eye doesn't notice. The wrong edge of the wrong petal, of the wrong blooming flower!
Walking down the driveway as you turn to the
front door the edge of the gravel has a bunker of nasturtiums. The summer sun
starts to bite, and later will shrizzle the leaves, leaving the seed to wait
for March, coolth, and the first rain. But for now we have thousands of
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Nasturtiums AKA Cistercians here |
In the pond are frogs and tadpoles the size of
my thumb.
23 September, 2011
Wildflower Wednesday in September
I was early for Gail's Wildflower-Wednesday. Last week the flowers were foreign, today they are Proudly South African. Perhaps
the spirit of WFW is more about the wildflowers that would grow in my garden,
if nature decided. Yellow Oxalis. White
rain daisies on otherwise bare earth. In the damp hollows Melianthus and arum lilies. Where the winter rain leaves a few
inches of standing water, vlei lilies.
Most of my bulbs were grown from seed. Fairy
bells of Melasphaerula. White Babiana inherited from the previous
gardener. Vlei lilies, seed didn’t work, so I bought bulbs with delight, when I
found them. Arum lily snuck in with a Strelitzia.
Freesia alba once from seed, now self-sown. Dietes some inherited, some from seed, some as bulbs – but somehow,
they are all the same species.
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Melasphaerula, Babiana, vlei lily arum, Freesia alba, Dietes |
16 September, 2011
Bloom day – not from around here
For Gesine in Berlin – I collect the foreign, exotic, commonorgarden.
The starring role in the garden now, is a
rowing-boat sized white daisy bush. I know where it comes from; the gardener at
my mother’s retirement village was ripping out wheelbarrows of the stuff. New
gardener’s eyes light up, and I brought a bit home. It sulks in summer – does an Estherism – not sure if it wants to go on growing. So I put it on life
support, water steadily thru the summer, feed a little in desperation. Once the
rain came, I turned away for a moment – and the blooming thing is as wide and
high as I am tall. Green fernish feathered leaves. Large white daisies on long
stems, ideal for picking. But only once, the flowers smell evil. Anyone know
what it is? A Shasta daisy? I know, despite the huge variety of South African
daisies, it isn’t one of ours.
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Nameless white daisy |
09 September, 2011
To Driehoek in search of leopards
Since we moved to Porterville the Ungardener
has hoped that one day, hiking up in the Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area,
we would see Cape leopards. In the newsletter from the Cape Leopard Trust they recently
asked for volunteers. He spent a week at Driehoek in the Cederberg, which
flow on from our Groot Winterhoek mountains.
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Mountain stream looking across to the Koerasieberg at Driehoek in the Cederberg |
Leopards and other predators are a problem for stock farmers. They were hunted and trapped. At Driehoek is an Anatolian shepherd dog.
Himself was dozing in his chair, when something leapt on his stomach. He woke
up thinking leopard!
26 August, 2011
Return to Groot Winterhoek
Walking with me, the Ungardener is limited to
about two hours. With FREQUENT stops for yet another flower. And I me myself,
like to walk, on the level, on the jeep track, so I can look at bugs and flowers. He would like to go further, along
the river, a full day hike. Andre our Computer Man had never been up to the
Wilderness Area. Last Monday, Computer Man and Ungardener hiked towards De
Tronk along the river, returning via a very steep uphill slog on my jeep track.
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Hiking in the Groot Winterhoek in August |
23 August, 2011
For Wildflower Wednesday
We have the long promised rain. Most of these
pictures were taken on Sunday, ahead of the – promising snow on the mountains –
cold front. All are in our garden, this August. Were you with me, for August daisy chain walk last year?
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Blue Felicia, yellow and purple Dimorphotheca jucunda, cream and brown eyed Gazania |
19 August, 2011
Sunshine bush after the fire
Last Friday I picked out the raisins. To
share that, sometimes overwhelming feeling amongst the diversity in fynbos. Every which way you turn, at a
second glance, that is so too, a different species. Today I'm caught in the
first impression. The Who Needs ho hum flowers, if your fresh ‘spring’ leaves
are this flamboyant??
Depending on the season, what you notice as you
cross the invisible line from whatever to fynbos – is clumps of restios. Their form quite distinctly
revealing that invisible boundary. Time it right and what you are hit with – is
bushes – flaming in lime gold and neon burgundy. In the Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area. Up on the mountain we look out at from our garden.
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Looking across to the Piketberg |
16 August, 2011
August Bloom day in Porterville
Today I choose to bring the foreign exotic commonorgarden flowers. Around the
25th will be the wildflowers growing in my garden.
What is most visible now, more so since the
pecan is down, is the Japanese flowering quince. A flaming coral torch that
takes my breath away, as it startles me, every time I see it.
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Japanese flowering quince |
12 August, 2011
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
Became a book title for Chinua Achebe. From a poem by William Butler Yeats. On Tuesday I needed to get images
of London Is Burning out of my mind. From 6-things-bloggers-can-learn-from-dr-seuss. I'm too old to have read Dr Seuss
as a child, and childless, so I missed his books both ways. A really good,
classic, quotable ‘child’s’ book – is not childish. It crystallises wisdom down
to its simple essence, to truth.
Dr. Seuss
You have brains in your head. You have feet in
your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you
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Euryops sp. growing tall The centre, cannot hold, and scatters seeds |
03 August, 2011
Pecan down
Long lived the pecan. Forty years, five with
us. This tree was always too big, reaching its great arms into our view of the Olifantsberg ridge. I had always wanted
it cut back, feathered, so the line between earth and sky was unbroken. Five
years pass. Looking at Nell Jean’s fallen pecan makes me nervous. They do
have a bad habit of discarding HUGE dead branches, and there are many telephone
lines in the flight path.
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Pecan tree |
26 July, 2011
Wildflower Wednesday with July weather
Fact is stranger than fiction. Beautiful
mediterranean winter day here. Blue sky and the cat sitting in my shade. We are
in the eye of the storm. The country around us has rain. And snow!! The national
road between Cape Town and Johannesburg was closed by snow, and so was the
second route. Meanwhile our Swartland wheat farmers wait for rain. We’ve had no
rain since the 2nd of July, and this should be a heavy winter rain month.
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Kniphofia fading to yellow |
22 July, 2011
Inspired by Ifafa lilies
Last Saturday we went across-our-valley-to-Riebeek, to a new nursery. I will show the plants as they find their new homes in our garden. First the Ifafa lilies. Two bags filled with LOTS of bulbs, so I split them gently. Planted four clumps ‘under’ our baby lime tree. Now I sit on my little chair like Charlie Brown – to watch them grow into an Elizabethan ruff of singing-canary yellow!
19 July, 2011
Across our valley to Riebeek wotsit
We travelled the dirt road across the wide valley to the twin towns of Riebeek Kasteel and Riebeek West. Once upon a time there was a heated argument – where shall we build the church? They built two, and today the towns flow together.
It is the season for waterblommetjies. Aponogeton distachyos. Literally ‘small water flowers’. Cooked it becomes the traditional waterblommetjiebredie. (I recently read about translating bredie, not ‘stew’ as in getting in a stew, but slowcooked and mellow, a casserole). Oh and we discovered the blooming flowers smell glorious. Left to nature, every tiny pond formed by winter rain is now filled with a sheet of these raised spikes of chunky flowers.
Posted by
Diana Studer
South African / mediterranean plants,
Western Cape
12 July, 2011
08 July, 2011
For the birds
The Ungardener loves Ungardening, pottering, DIY projects. If not a new one, then tweak the old.
05 July, 2011
Midwinter in a Swartland garden
Winter interest? Seriously? We are not tropical, with NO winter. We are temperate, we do have seasons. But we are mediterranean, in the valley there is no frost or snow in the garden. So the garden stays green, with flowers, year round.
A New gardener, with James. We are learning summer New gardening. Coming round to letting the plants rest when it is hot and dry, instead of frantically and despairingly battling with life support. The seeds and bulbs wait, the shrubs and trees furl their leaves. Our garden year begins in March, cooler, some rain, March lilies. Garden!
Try again, winter interest. Early in the morning the garden is spangled with dew. On a sunny day like today, and many winter days are sunny, the dew burns off as the sun climbs the sky. The cats who observe work in their garden, find a gardener's shadow, no reason why we should BOTH be hot and bothered!
28 June, 2011
24 June, 2011
June wildflowers, birds and bees
When I reread Tuesday's poem, I found japonica and bees. Fitting in to my post for Wildflower Wednesday in Pollinator Week. Today's plants are all indigenous to South Africa in the spirit of Gail at Clay and Limestone's meme, EXCEPT the Japanese flowering quince and the fig and ash trees.
Listen to Henry Reed himself reading his poem, with Frank Duncan (as the lecturer). How strangely wonderful is modern technology! This is from a BBC broadcast in 1966. Text found at solearabiantree.
To-day we have naming of parts. Yesterday,
We had daily cleaning. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighboring gardens,
And to-day we have naming of parts.
We had daily cleaning. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighboring gardens,
And to-day we have naming of parts.
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Japanese flowering quince with bee LAST June, today is winter, grey wet and cold. |
21 June, 2011
Today we have Naming of Parts
Dani is moving to the farm, but that farm needs a name! Like pub signs, as you drive across country, South African farms have intriguing names, that could and do tell a story. Just outside Porterville is a dairy farm, called Gelukwaarts. The waarts bit is obvious – forward – This Way! For Geluk you need Dutch or German (and they got it from the English luck!). Happiness. Imagine driving along, heading for home, and turning where the sign says – This Way to Happiness!
10 June, 2011
Red, yellow and bare
The Western Cape on a good winter day. Not one of the cold wet grey days. But one of the lovely blue sky sunny days, walking thru our garden in June. Jeans and T-shirt midday.
Red aloes … on our Karoo koppie. That says winter to any homesick South African.
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Pig's ears, red aloe |
30 May, 2011
Take one World Heritage Site
On a perfect day. Blue sky. A fresh breeze, not cold. Just you and I here, walking. No sound, but the sand crunching under our boots. If we pause … we can hear the heritage of world murmuring past our ears.
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Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area with new roads using gabions |
I was very wary of what we would find, after eighteen months of roadworks. Oh! Tarred road! And a gate. But, new signs. A World Heritage Site, and for the hours we walked, we were quite alone.
23 May, 2011
Berghoff proteas to Chelsea
If you were in London. At the Chelsea Flower Show and the Kirstenbosch exhibit. You could see our renosterbos, and the halfmens on the Richtersveld side. ‘The Pachypodium namaquamum on loan, will be returned to the Karoo Desert National Botanical garden, after the show’. Looking at the fynbos side, those proteas were growing on our mountain when we went up on the 12th of May.
17 May, 2011
Dasklip Pass to Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area
After the fire-on-our-mountain, we went up to the reserve on the mountain to see the fire-flowers. Then they closed the reserve to repair the roads, after fire followed by very heavy rain caused erosion damage. Eighteen months later, the reserve is partially reopened . Last week we went, with trepidation, to see what 18 months of road works looks like, in a wilderness area.
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with Google Earth from Porterville up the Dasklip Pass to the Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area |
Porterville looks up at the Olifantskop (Elephant Head). Our good fortune that the house faces the double kloof on that long ridge of foothills.
10 May, 2011
May garden walk
EDITED in May 2014
Mid-month garden walks were going to be about commonorgarden foreign exotic plants. On Friday I will return to the next quarter of the Paradise And Roses garden. Lots of colour in the garden now, and it delights me that it is all indigenous/native. Except Salvia greggei and our sunbirds love that.
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Hemizygia |
I've walked you round our garden before.
03 May, 2011
Bees collect tar
My sense of wonder is intact, as a flourishing great and ancient tree in a natural forest. Remember we recently relined the pond? The liner is tar based, can be cleaned off with water, while it is still wet. The empty cans were set aside in the garden. When I walked past the other day something Deep Middle said made me pause, and look. Bees. Harvesting tar, and packing it into their saddlebags, where nice fluffy yellow pollen should be.
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Bee and tar |
Is that weird or what?? So I trawled the internet, and found a forum. Bees do collect tar – ‘but I’ve never seen it’. Ha – old wives tales and urban legends. Says the Ungardener maybe they need some glue? I sneer what – for their DIY projects?!
29 April, 2011
Around Porterville in April
Walking towards the mountain last Sunday morning, to the dam on Houdconstant farm. Pomegranates, oranges, grapes. Where we disturbed a small flock of dark spurwinged geese. As we tried to get closer for a photo, they took off, in bunches, circled and settled, elsewhere. One of the few dams that still has water, after the summer, harvesting what drains down from the mountain. The nearby Voelvlei dam supplies the city of Cape Town with water.
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Houdconstant farm dam |
26 April, 2011
Wildflower Week in April
Yesterday I harvested this month’s native / indigenous / wild flowers for Gail's meme. Our weather forecast for Malmesbury includes a white slab with irregular edge. Frost pockets. They also promise snow on our mountains. We almost had a Western Cape Easter with snow. Carolyn - our snowdrops should feel more comfortable – if they didn’t get cooked to death in the summer.
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Bulbinella |
15 April, 2011
Life returns to Ungardening Pond
Little by little we are refilling the pond, after relining it. And how immediately life returns. The frogs have been with us, their lives lived out hunting crickets in the mulch layer we try to cover the garden in. A blur of movement, and a frog emerges as the watering can shower disturbs him. We heard reed frogs clicking in the afternoon, frogs croaking and raucous toads bellowing at night. Now there are tadpoles, drawing back our kingfishers (waiting on better pictures, but the birds are back at long last)
12 April, 2011
April flowers, not from around here
08 April, 2011
Spirulino our rescued sparrow and friends
EDITED January 2014
Found at the recycling depot in January 2010. The Ungardener has been helping to sort at the town’s fledgling recycling project. There he saw a little bird hopping around. He brought him food and water. But he sees there is something wrong with his wing. He cannot fly. When the door was open, out he hopped to the open field. Not sure if the wing is broken. Or something attacked and injured him. He brought him home. He is a commonorgarden house sparrow. Invasive from Europe. Our bird book says they were first seen in Piketberg in 1962.
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Spirulino's home |
22 March, 2011
Silvery grey camphor bush
I love grey foliage. My Dusty Millers, now in need of rejuvenation. Take cuttings and make silver fountains again, instead of the broken golden limbs. The lamb’s ears, a beautiful idea, but they too are withered and gone. Will spread the Santolina instead. They are both commonorgarden foreigners. Grey foliage is more striking when it is a treeful.
The second grey tree is Brachylaena discolor growing in our new False Bay garden.
The second grey tree is Brachylaena discolor growing in our new False Bay garden.
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Tarchonanthus camphoratus |
11 March, 2011
March garden walk
Mid-month I aim to cover exotic, alien, commonorgarden plants blooming in our garden. Especially the roses. Yes, well. It has been a long hot summer, about 10 weeks with no rain. And each time I look, another plant has waved goodbye. Apparently the roses have thrips, tiny creatures who come from the hot dry Out There to lovely luscious, fed and watered, yummy roses. Today I fed the roses and watered them to encourage the autumn flush, which should be their best time of year. There are buds, both flowers, and leaves coming up from the base. We’ll see. If this autumn weather holds kind, and does not hammer us with an unseasonal heat wave, as it did last year. Then, we lost many of our optimistic newly planted olive trees.
When the Ungardener is Ungardening on the roof – you know, leaves out of the gutters, resealing the chimney. So you walk down the driveway past the olives, and our greener neighbours, around the curved wall of the rose garden, which I call Paradise. Perhaps I should call it the And Roses garden.
Paradise, the rose garden |
08 March, 2011
On Ungardening Pond 4
In May we walked together in hopeful optimism round our pond. By June you can see winter rain falling, and filling the pond, but, to our mounting despair, you can also see a tideline on the beach. He looks at me sadly and says we keep topping up, it’s winter, can’t be evaporation. There must be a leak!
23 February, 2011
February’s wildflowers
When I woke there was autumn’s morning mist, burnt off a few hours later. The summer is still hot, but mid thirties rather than pushing 40 C. This year I will be using Gail at ClayandLimestone's Wildflower-Wednesday meme for indigenous/native/wild flowers blooming this month in our garden. For me that means indigenous to South Africa, and working on avoiding the summer rainfall plants from the far side of our country. The ones that hang their heads and whisper, it is h o t here … and need as much watering in summer as any commonorgarden exotic foreign plant! Somewhat intimidated by Californian discussions about planting the right cultivar for My Watershed. In this First/Third world country … I’d be certified insane if I asked the nursery, but is it from Porterville, adapted to the Swartland summer?
Mid-month I will round up the exotics, especially the roses, which are beginning to sprout for their autumn flush. What is most visible in the garden now is blue. Blue sage and Plumbago in drifts.
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Blue sage Plumbago |
11 February, 2011
February walking in our garden
Macros enchant me, because the camera and I agree on what we are looking at. This year I will do the indigenous=native with Gail at clayandlimestone for her Wildflower Wednesday. Remember the 23rd February if you follow this meme. And the commonorgarden=exotic=alien will be in these mid-month walks. Roses, kitchen herbs, fruit trees, inherited plants, zone denial, and I just couldn't resist that!
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From the outside, looking in |
26 January, 2011
Wildflower Wednesday, South Africa in January
I started last Christmas, to record what is blooming in my garden each month. Not an exhaustive record. More a strolling around the garden, what catches my eye. As a garden resolution for this year, I’ll join Gail at Clay and Limestone for her Wildflower Wednesday, and this year I will only record indigenous/South African flowers. (Leaving the roses and other exotics to shine on my mid-month garden walk).
This January has been perhaps not as hot as usual, but it is as dry as usual. The level in the town dam is sinking to muddy summer water. The garden shows itself in summer’s drab greens and browns. I need to take Town Mouse’s advice and cut back perennials and shrubs hard this autumn, so we will get fresh green.
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Cyperus and bulrush |
21 January, 2011
Fruit of the Mediterranean
Checking where, which site, my blog visitors came from, I fell over gimcw??? Gardening in mediterranean climates worldwide. They have added me to the gimcw list of blogs. One of my earliest comments was from a Spaniard – ho ho ho a Mediterranean garden way down South at the bottom of Africa! So yes, thank you, for a lower-case-mediterranean!
For years, ever since it was just an idea, I have wanted to visit the Eden Project in Cornwall. Was fascinating to see mediterranean plants from around the world gathered together, where I could see the actual growing plants. Not just a dry list of names, nor even frozen pictures. There I learnt that my lemon verbena comes from South America. Mexican born Fer in Japan (currently hosting a blog carnival) has promised to find us some good South and Central American garden blogs. Company for our lemon verbena, granadilla (South American, that's why I can't spell it) and guava.
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A sparrow and weaver sharing our figs |
18 January, 2011
Sunbirds, malachite and collared
We have planted Melianthus in our new False Bay garden. Waiting for the sunbirds to find it.
Return to October November last year. There were young sunbirds. We have two obvious sorts. The large green ones are the malachite sunbirds. Striking for two reasons. First they are twice as big, 24 cm, as their smaller 12-14 cm cousins. Then they go for the shimmering malachite green all over.
Return to October November last year. There were young sunbirds. We have two obvious sorts. The large green ones are the malachite sunbirds. Striking for two reasons. First they are twice as big, 24 cm, as their smaller 12-14 cm cousins. Then they go for the shimmering malachite green all over.
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Malachite sunbird |
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Photographs are from Diana Studer or Jurg Studer.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
My Canon PowerShot A490
If I use your images or information, it will be clearly acknowledged with either a link to the website, or details of the book. If you use my images or words, I expect you to acknowledge them in turn.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.