The Roman god Janus - for whom January is named – looks both at the past, and to the future. We have our new home on False Bay, and we are split between planning changes there, and preparing Elephant’s Eye for sale. On the verandah a purple Streptocarpus glows like a jewel.
28 December, 2012
14 December, 2012
The elusive Cape mountain leopard Spot
When I wrote on the 24th of November, the weatherman promised ‘very cold, wet and windy conditions are expected to set in over the north-western high ground’ in the Cederberg. Sutherland has had MINUS 2C in November! Jurg was hiking at Driehoek as October turned to November volunteering with the Cape Leopard Trust and helping to monitor the traps.
07 December, 2012
Dozen for Diana in December 2012
Beth in Wisconsin is looking back at Lessons Learnt. She writes –‘When life takes you in unexpected directions, particularly pleasant ones, don't lament the road you previously expected to take. Just enjoy the new path’. I’ll bring a simple practical lesson learnt. Agapanthus flowers for Christmas, need watering as the buds emerge.
30 November, 2012
Wildflower Wednesday with ours and yours
The garden is quieter, and I am busier, so this Wildflower Wednesday instead of focusing only on South African wildflowers as I usually do – I bring you whatever is yelling ME ME in my garden. First our locals. The garden remains in a blue mood. Swathes of Plectranthus spires, on which the tiny flowers spiral around, keep on giving, defying the summer heat as it rolls in with warnings from the weatherman of Hot and Uncomfortable.
09 November, 2012
Summer Southeaster swept into my garden
Our garden is in that dip, when the flowers and lush green of autumn winter and spring’s bulbs – are lying down in summer tans. Crumpled leaves are ready to be chopped and mulched for the next season’s flowers.
03 November, 2012
Life is what happens
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans - John Lennon, and others before him. One day, we will move to a town house on False Bay. This garden has been about the roses. Ungardening Pond. The view to Elephant’s Eye. The two huge ash trees. The weaver birds in the giant/Spanish reeds.
26 October, 2012
Wildflower Wednesday for October
The roses are lovely, in our garden, in vases in our house, and scattered across the Cape Town family – but today I turn to South African glory for Wildflower Wednesday. Roughly sorted by colour, from purple, thru red and yellow, to green. First choice is the citrus-scented Pelargonium citronellum, toothed leaves are always attractive (and smell yummy), when in bloom the flowers are delicately ornate.
19 October, 2012
October’s choice
We are caught up in, what I hope is the last of the fierce winter rain. Port Alfred had 165 mm of rain by Thursday morning. That is six and a half inches.
12 October, 2012
Paradise and Roses
When I hand-water our roses, 2 five litre cans in hand,
I walk a meditative labyrinth
– circling back to the grey water tank.
All my roses come from Ludwig's Roses Winelands branch.
Edited in September 2014
1 Pushed out of Paradise
Anna in her fuchsia gown met the Black Prince (an Old Cape rose). He was first overwhelmed by her Perfume Passion, then introduced to little Apricot. A line of 3 Anna’s Red remind me how quickly three decades pass.
Posted by
Diana Studer
Garden Year,
South African / mediterranean plants
04 October, 2012
Your point of view
It depends how you look at it, where you are coming from, your terms of reference. This morning young Chocolat climbed the whippy Trimeria, leapt to the gutter and onto the roof! Then managed to scramble down again, via the same tree. Later I watched him, at the base of the wall, looking up, calculating distance and trajectory. Allowing for that thorny branch between him and the top of the wall. And he sails effortlessly up, like water poured from a jug.
26 September, 2012
The garden at Elephant’s Eye in September
In Paradise and Roses, there are rosebuds showing colour, but that garden is focused on Paradise. Autumn Fire and Spring Promise, the dark and the Pink, are the two beds which are enchantingly filled with flowers. Taken yesterday.
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Paradise and Roses yesterday |
Just 10 days ago I cut the path free ….
31 August, 2012
Caracal at Driehoek for the Cape Leopard Trust
It’s been 3 months since Jurg last went to Driehoek volunteering to monitor traps for the Cape Leopard Trust. This time, the signal went off near Quinton’s base at Matjiesriver.
The team met at the walk thru trap for caracal. Jurg wanted to take a picture of the caracal IN the trap – but Dr. Quinton Martins was adamant. ‘We have to get the caracal out of the cage, before he hurts himself!’ First the welfare of the caracal.
24 August, 2012
Wildflower Wednesday in August 2012
January 2015 edited back to Wildflower Wednesday (without the techie photo info)
17 August, 2012
03 August, 2012
Lughnasa flowers for Annie
Chinese winter-flowering jasmine fountains near our post-box.
‘You’ve got a postcard from China!’
‘Ooh that’ll be from Annie Yim on G+ in Taiwan.’
It’s a strange feeling to hold in my hand a postcard handwritten by a virtual friend.
27 July, 2012
Karoo wildflowers
Gathering up July’s wildflowers. Lime green flowers on Euphorbia mauretanica are lit up in Worcester, back home in our
garden there is promise in the burgeoning leaf tips, but not even buds yet. After our walk, the nursery was
closed for lunch. And the restaurant has closed altogether. Twice disappointed. They are busy reworking
the garden in front of the nursery. We’ll try again in August.
13 July, 2012
Gardening for wildlife in a Cape winter
In Paradise and Roses both of our strelitzias have a flower
open. I know our strelitzias are grown in California, I wonder if the
hummingbirds use them as a nectar source? Strong stem and a bowl overflowing
with nectar brings an impatient queue of masked weavers and Cape weavers.
Strelitzia reginae occurs
naturally only in South Africa: eastern coast, from Humansdorp to northern
KwaZulu-Natal in coastal bush and thicket. It grows along river banks in full
sun, however sometimes it occurs and flowers on margins of forest in shade –
from PlantZAfrica.
Posted by
Diana Studer
Garden Year,
South African / mediterranean plants
07 July, 2012
July garden catch up
I was. I was going to prune the figs this
afternoon. He was. He was planning to work on his current Ungardening project,
which is stuck at the nasty muddy chaos stage. But the next cold front rolled
in from Antarctica direction, and it’s bucketing down. He is tucked up with
TV and cat.
29 June, 2012
Wildflower Wednesday in the Groot Winterhoek
As usual, when we hike in the Groot Winterhoek
Wilderness Area, we were the only people there. The only car parked. We did
meet a group of young people being trained to maintain the trails.
Our fynbos is threatened by global warming. Proteas,
ericas, bulbs and daisies. The plants could retreat up the mountain slopes, but
they are used to paddling their toes in the mountain streams. Those mountain
streams flow down to the Voelvlei Dam
and supply Cape Town with tap water. Or not! If global warming bites.
22 June, 2012
In the pond grows, with June's winter flowers
If I was a minimalist, if I had to accept the
tiniest courtyard garden, these six plants would satisfy me. A tree for structure. A shrub for shelter. A pioneer to nurse its companions
along. A groundcover to carpet the bare earth. A pelargonium to flute in PINK, accompanied by mellow blues on shrub and groundcover.
Kingfisher and reeds |
In this tiniest of gardens, as I sit under the
tree, there will be water.
18 May, 2012
The Fifth in Dozen for Diana - shocking pink Pelargonium
In 2015 my pelargoniums at False Bay sadly no longer include this pickable shocking pink.
Looking back after five years of gardening at Elephant’s Eye, I am choosing my way to 12 plants. Building a virtual garden in a Picasa collage using the plants I have learnt to treasure. Not the must have, shiny new, love at first sight. But the enduring contentment of same old same old. Stays green or at least hangs in there thru the summer. Returns each year, if it goes dormant. Blooms reliably for me each year.
Looking back after five years of gardening at Elephant’s Eye, I am choosing my way to 12 plants. Building a virtual garden in a Picasa collage using the plants I have learnt to treasure. Not the must have, shiny new, love at first sight. But the enduring contentment of same old same old. Stays green or at least hangs in there thru the summer. Returns each year, if it goes dormant. Blooms reliably for me each year.
11 May, 2012
May around our garden
Tucking Saxon Holt’s advice into my camera, I
try to capture something deliberate. Weaning
myself off macros for today.
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Looking from the front door |
As we step out of the front door, we see once a
polka dot effect, now the plants elbow and shoulder us.
04 May, 2012
Patch the Cape leopard and his collar at work
Jurg has been to Driehoek once more with the Cape Leopard Trust. Back in February he saw this klipspringer
13 April, 2012
April showers bring us flowers 2012
The noise of long hot dry days, has been broken
by the clear signal of autumn. We can garden in shorts and T-shirt without
desperately seeking shade. An Easter weekend which brought us a grateful
soaking of 34 millimetres of rain.
Our Southern hemisphere mediterranean autumn,
walks hand in hand with Northern gardeners delighting in spring. The garden is
stretching gracefully.
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Lampranthus seedheads open in the rain |
Walking on our Karoo Koppie I found
flowers in a subtle range of colours. Wait, those should be a star-spangled
lemon yellow in September! The vygie
seedheads had opened in the rain.
30 March, 2012
Caught a Cape mountain leopard
After midnight the phone rings. My heart sinks.
But it is Quinton – Tell Jurg, we've caught A
LEOPARD!! Jurg falls out of bed and in one and a half hours he has joined the
others at Driehoek. Driving carefully to avoid two
grysbok, a duiker, and rabbits who run along the road.
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Waiting with the Cape Leopard Trust at Driehoek |
The young Cape mountain leopard is in good hands – Dr Quinton Martins researcher at the Cape Leopard Trust, Dr Marc Walton the on-call vet (that’s animal not war) from Ceres,
23 March, 2012
March wildflowers for birds
Altho I do garden for wildlife, it is not as a
trained ecologist, this plant for that butterfly. We have a pond full of frogs
for the visiting kingfisher. We have a smorgasbord of assorted bugs for the
fiscal flycatcher. But the regular residents who delight me are the sunbirds.
(Our equivalent to North America’s humming-birds). I think of red or yellow
flowers, whose trumpets are filled with nectar. This Wildflower Wednesday post will be my place to record which garden flowers I see sunbirds on each
month. And a nudge to find plants to fill the gaps in the diary!
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Yellow Bietou, pond bulbs fiscal flycatcher, salmon pelargonium |
16 March, 2012
My pioneer plant - spekboom or Portulacaria afra
Dozen for Diana 3
As a gardener something I learnt about years
after it was too late, was pioneer plants or nurse trees.
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Spekboom against a blue, still summer, sky |
In Ernst van Jaarsveld’s Wonderful Waterwise Gardening
I find a list of pioneer species for a fynbos
or renosterveld garden. Euryops pectinatus and virgineus
(yellow daisy bushes), Metalasia
(honeybush, tiny fragrant white flowers), Chrysanthemoides
monilifera (bushtick berry or bietou donated by our birds), Pelargonium capitatum, Carpobrotus
(sour fig, a groundcover with thick succulent leaves), Podalyria sericea (silver
sweetpea bush, Cape satin bush) and our annual daisies Dimorphotheca, Ursinia
and Arctotis.
09 March, 2012
Walk in my garden
As my garden muddles into autumn, in our mediterranean climate, without frost, we don’t expect fiery autumn
colours. Nandina in Camps Bay barely
managed a few red leaves. In Porterville we have a poster girl – For Autumn
Colour in Your Garden!
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Nandina for autumn colour |
02 March, 2012
Wilderness camps with the Cape Leopard Trust
Drive away from our home in Porterville, North
towards Clanwilliam and up into the Cederberg mountains, where endangered Cape
leopards live. Since September last year Jurg has been volunteering with the
Cape Leopard Trust. In January he went to help refresh the Toktokkie Camp
before this year’s children arrived for their wilderness camps.
24 February, 2012
Wildflower Wednesday as February turns to Autumn
My contribution to Gail at Clay and Limestone's Wildflower Wednesdays aim around the
25th, since I wrote my first one for Christmas Day. The garden is blooming
in considered and thoughtful blues. A wash of blue sage. A scattered carpet of Plectranthus spurs. Drifts of blue and
white Plumbago. Sparked by
pelargoniums in pure white, gentle pinks and salmon sprinkled with gold dust
where the sun catches it.
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Plectranthus neochilus |
17 February, 2012
Commonorgarden walk
Mid-February, high summer although we have had a few cooler days. Commonorgarden and summer rainfall plants are hunkered down for the duration. Some have faded off into the sunset murmuring – It’s hot in Porterville … The roses have been fed and given a handful of wood ash, dutifully watered, every 5 days, 10 litres of grey water to each bush. New sprouts are coming for the autumn flush, but only Lavender Jade has good flowers today.
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Lavender Jade |
03 February, 2012
Seven steps built by a mud wasp
When I look across to our mountain, to the
clouds that come and go, sometimes I see seven steps to heaven (Miles Davis). That first
step is unattainable, and even if I could reach it, insubstantial. My foot
would simply pass thru the water vapour. Earth-bound my mind turns to the
legendary Seven Steps in District 6. Again,
insubstantial, demolished during apartheid,
living on in memory and music. In my living memory, that part of Cape Town
has always been a green slope below the mountain, at the far edge of the city.
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Seven Steps to Heaven |
27 January, 2012
January in South Africa for Wildflower Wednesday
Outside our bedroom, festooning the evil green
plastic rain water tank, I have a wild jasmine Jasminum angulare. For Gailforce at Clay and Limestone’s Wildflower Wednesday. The computer reveals a white crab/flower spider, front legs
raised in an eager invitation to Lunch.
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White crab/flower spider on wild jasmine |
20 January, 2012
My new signature plant
Dozen for Diana 1
I would like you to imagine a new empty small
1. An enclosed courtyard? The view from a
window? That new garden bed?
2. Choose (12) plants that DO grow happily in your climate and soil! Make a list tailored for YOUR garden.
3. I favour indigenous/native for wildlife. I
also have roses.
4. Colour scent texture interest - so we see A
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Blue sage flowers macro in a Mason jar for the portrait |
My garden, mediterranean in climate, is in the
bottom left corner of Africa. Beyond the mountains lies the Karoo semi-desert,
and the east of our country gets summer rainfall.
13 January, 2012
January garden walk 2012
Last January I walked you round our garden, aiming at the wide view for Nell Jean.
How large is our garden? The Ungardener’s photo essay, from the roof. We
cheat twice, borrowed scenery of trees and the distant mountain, and the
longest line in your garden is the diagonal.
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Driveway from olives to roses |
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Photographs and Copyright
Photographs are from Diana Studer or Jurg Studer.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
My Canon PowerShot A490
If I use your images or information, it will be clearly acknowledged with either a link to the website, or details of the book. If you use my images or words, I expect you to acknowledge them in turn.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.