
25 October, 2013

A Swartland garden in October

We had a good wet winter and the garden sings in October flowers.

Plectranthus neochilus with Dimorphotheca jucunda

This poem can be read in 2 languages without any translation.
Simply focus a bilingual mind on either language.
Indigenous/native or foreign/exotic.

My Stories Begin as Letters

My pen is my wonderland.
Word water in my hand.
In my pen is wonder ink.
Stories sing. Stories sink.

My stories loop. My stories stop.
My pen is my wonder mop.
Drink letters. Drink my ink.
My pen is blind. My stories blink.

Net vier uit elke honderd mense besef*
(*for non-Afrikaans speakers = only 4 in a 100 people realise)
that this can be read in Afrikaans and English
(Ad by Joe Public) Pendorings 2013

Lachenalia, froetang
Dietes, Veltheimia

3 nameless exotic iris with Campanula carpatica

September’s plum blossom is little cherries on Prunus nigra. Now apple blossom stars. The tiny lime tree needed its overenthusiastic burden of teensy fruit thinned.

Foreign apple blossom, lemon tree
nasturtiums and Chinese jasmine

Melianthus is fiercely defended by one Mr Weaver who is determined that this is all MINE. When he is elsewhere the others dash in and claim their share.

Strelitzia, Pelargonium
Melianthus, Tecoma

My nasturtiums have remembered that they began life as a fancy variety gifted with a gardening magazine. From almost yellow to russet.

Exotic lavender
and nasturtiums

Blue Felicia separates the Blue and Purple Border and the Karoo Koppie. Mauve vygie bush was quite covered in flowers. Pink pelargoniums dance across the garden like butterflies.

Scabiosa, Felicia
Hibiscus pedunculatus
vygie, Pelargonium

I trimmed the Searsia (was Rhus) retrieving our line of mountain borrowed scenery. Gold, bronze and russet hearts on the Hibiscus tiliaceus, whose leaves continually fade to glory.

Pruning tools, Searsia trees
Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf, garden posy 

Today we had a brief fierce thunderstorm so I dashed out to rescue the roses, the doubles which would be shattered by a downpour. Now we have 3 great bunches of roses!

Pearl of Bedfordview, Great North
Black Prince, Dainty Bess

Sunny calm before the storm and the view from the tall living room windows, where we take tea at Paradise and Roses.

Looking at Paradise and Roses from our living room window

Wildflower Wednesday is hosted by Gail @ Clay and Limestone in Tennessee.

Pictures by Diana and Jurg
text by Diana Studer
AKA Diana of Elephant's Eye
- wildlife gardening in Porterville,
near Cape Town in South Africa

(If you mouse over brown text, it turns shriek pink. Those are my links)


  1. Your views are incredible, Diana, and such a delight to see all your lovely blooms. "On the book of my body I have permanently inscribed a tree"--a beautiful image. Your journey of healing is very inspiring.

  2. Seufz, wir haben hier Herbst und bei dir blühen die Apfelbäume.
    Die Dainty Bess gefällt mir sehr - ich bin immer für diese einfachen Rosenblüten zu haben.
    Viele Grüße

  3. I hope all is well with you ! Your garden will surely help you recover ! Lovely pictures !

    1. Thanks, Gwennie. Almost 14 years of - Needs no further treatment!

  4. Some gorgeous flowers in your garden - the Strelitzia and lavender especially. And those mountain views!

  5. Such a strong, lovely post!
    Have a beautiful week-end!

  6. I love that view from your living room window. And kudos for you for being a survivor. That is no easy feat. Your October is divine.

  7. We could all do with a Paradise and Roses in our gardens! I love the way you combine photos of different plants in your pictures - a montage. Most of us just plonk one down on the page - but your combinations are happier on the eye.

    1. Interesting - I've had one comment against tiny pictures in collages, and now you agreeing with me.

  8. Oh this is blog post was an absolute joy, a visual feast, and a boost to the very soul. Nature winds her way through the cracks we endure in life and fills that space with light and love. Hugs to you Mrs xxxx

  9. Diana - Congratulations on beating cancer. Carrie said it all.

  10. Inspiring words from an inspired - and inspiring - lady. En ek versprei breed die gedig. Verstommend! :)

  11. Thanks to you all. I so much enjoy hearing that their (and my) words reach you.

  12. Inspiring the poem in the beginning and all your Oct. blooms. So much to celebrate as we take our cues from nature's flowers.

  13. My mother and grandmother both had breast cancer and I am checked every six months by a specialist. I am so glad you are a survivor and have your garden and friends to help you recover. :) Hugs from VA!

  14. Your views are inspiring both written and visual. How beautiful the view through the window is now. I remember your post on how it looked when you arrived there.

    1. Shirley? Won't you add a link to your blog?

    2. Diana, omitting my blog link was an oversight. I've corrected it now for you.

  15. Its the first time I've seen that poem (of is dit gediggie?)

    For some reason one of my sausages has caught a liking in my Plectranthus neochilus and keeps rolling in it. She must like the smell of the leaves.
