
19 October, 2010

First day with his new camera

He is in his element. Trying out the new to him features one by one. Panasonic Lumix FZ100. U3A photographers sit while waiting for the birds to fly in and out.

First day with new camera

We have now a better zoom. You can see all the details of the feathers on the Laughing Dove. And you can see the Masked Weaver hard at work. In each picture you can see his piece of grass firmly clutched in his beak. Bottom left, bracing his legs, and pulling like hell from the tip of his beak right down to the tips of his claws. 

Laughing Dove and Masked Weavers

And you can see how carefully he chooses each piece of grass. How long. How thick or thin. How strong or flexible. Need a bit of wheat, or rye, or oat, or winter grass. 

Masked Weaver with just the right piece
of one of our free-spirited plants

Then the macro, for the drops of water on the petals. And this Painted Lady called Cynthia. 'Rapid flier' - so we try to catch them in the morning when they are soaking up the sunshine. 'Widespread. Cosmopolitan' 

Painted Lady on Scabiosa. Bottom left Dietes

You can even see white erm blobs on her antennae, and the mother of pearl shimmer on her fur coat.

Painted Lady Cynthia

Running on empty - I have a cold - so this is a quick post, short on words. 
Friday will be Pink Ribbon 3 Autumn Fire.

PS Despite having to pay VAT and ad valorem tax  --  after weeks, and months, of careful in-depth internet research  --  it was still cheaper to have the Panasonic camera delivered to our door from  B&H in New York
Disclaimer - this is NOT an advertorial. The camera was paid for, in full.

Pictures by Jurg and Diana, words by Diana of  Elephant's Eye


  1. I do hope you feel better soon. Colds are rotten.

    I will now creep away and try to cover up that I am jealous that you have a new camera.

    Do you have a tripod too?

    I've been a bit sniffy about tripods but I'm edging in that direction.


  2. Lucy - first the tripod came (due to those messages - doddery old fool the camera is SHAKING!), then the camera.

    Have you been able to ID any of your seaweed? Have you eaten laver (sp?) bread? We had some years ago when we were on holiday in Wales? He looked at it suspiciously tried a bit, then wanted to eat my whole portion!

  3. Be still my heart! Those images are superb, kudos to the photographer, tripod or no. The weaver bird is the most intriguing to me, perhaps because I also weave, but without the skill of the beaked maestro.

    I do hope your cold leaves quickly.


  4. Hi Diana, Those are wonderful images. Like Frances, I'm fascinated by the weaver - get better soon!

  5. Great macro photos and eye behind the camera! Everyone seems to be a bit under the weather, not unusual for this time of year here. Feel better well soon.

  6. Excellent photos and without a tripod! I am even more impressed. I do hope you are feeling better soon~ gail

  7. Gail - he does mostly use the tripod for the bird photos. I am the one who ignores the 'doddery old fool' messages.

  8. I try not to be jealous, but I have been bemoaning that I am using a nine year old, hand-me-down camera from my son. My eyes google at what others can do with newer technology. I love your photos!

  9. Excellent pictures!Good to see the camera is getting a very good use

  10. I'm fond of Lumix and the Leica lenses myself but his FZ100 is so much more powerful than my LX3 which has pitiful zoom. Looking forward to his photos.

  11. The photos with the bird are fantastic.

  12. Thanks for sharing these photos. I love the photos you post of birds of all kinds, but I think I like the weavers the best. Probably because I'll never see one in "real life!" Hope you feel better soon,

  13. Wow! Very impressive photography. I am green with envy. I have a dreadful cold, too. Hope we both feel better soon. Pam x

  14. Hi there!

    Thanks so much for your visit and comment. I hope you'll visit me're always welcome.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit here. The photos are stunning!!!!


  15. We recently bought a better camera and I a love the difference it has made in my photographs. I even love the whirr it makes when I snap a picture. It helps me pretend that I am a "real" photographer who knows just what she is doing. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  16. Your words made me stop and realize the Painted Lady has white on her antennae. Thank you so much and thanks for stopping my blog. I appreciate it more than you know.~~Dee

  17. Diana, I glad you and Jurg found a terrific camera. The pictures are very clear and very good quality. Bird pictures and good scenery shots are something beyond the reach of my current model. So good I can enjoy yours ;-)

  18. The Masked Weaver looks very much like the goldfinches we see so much of here! And I love their woven nest ball!

  19. Diana, I am dreaming of your camera. I link my post to you today.

  20. How wonderful to have a new camera that does what you want it to do! It's so frustrating when the tools at hand can't measure up to your vision and such a pleasure when they can. For me, light weight is important, but a small camera has meant a sacrifice in image quality. Always a trade-off somewhere.

    The weaver-bird photo—wonderful capture of that effort. So glad our homes stay put from year to year. ;)

  21. Stacy - Mr Weaver builds, then she looks at it and says - no, I wan't the porch on the other side. And he tears it all apart. And starts again. Yes, dear.
