
13 January, 2015

We have moved (to a new blog. Pretty Please, update your blogroll)

UPDATE  February 2023
for previous and new subscribers

I invite you to join us at Elephant's Eye on False Bay. Please subscribe as you prefer

via NEW non-Feedburner at  Feedly,

or my Facebook blog page

With Janus, the god of doorways,  I look forward at our False Bay garden which changes with each week's work.

Roses and cats in False Bay December 2014

And back at the once was garden in Porterville, where I can trawl five years of Wildflower Wednesday posts, to remember which plants I want around me again.

Blue sage January 2014 in Porterville

PS I would really appreciate if you would update your blogroll, removing the link to this dormant blog and replacing it with a link to the new active False Bay blog - which welcomes both new readers and those who I met over the years on this Porterville blog.